In 2021, an illustration contest was introduced as part of an ongoing collaboration between the CHAT Study, the UCGHI WHGE COE, and the UCGHI Student Ambassadors Program to raise awareness about the telehealth model for abortion care. The contest invited a diverse audience to participate with aims to promote an engaged virtual community across the UC and with partner institutions, to showcase the passion and creativity of our communities, and to amplify diverse voices and perspectives on reproductive justice, reproductive health, abortion, and virtual clinics.
Congratulations to the CHAT Study's 2021 Illustration Contest Winner, Lauren Perrin!
Lauren Perrin is a Visual Designer based in Sacramento, California. She has a focus on branding, illustration, and UI/UX design. Her last 3 years have had a focus using design in public health and helping create more inclusive and equitable design solutions. Outside of work, she is very passionate about illustrating band posters and people. You can follow her on Instagram: @laurenpdesign or check our some of her other work on
Check out her 3 winning designs below and let us know which is your favorite!
Winning Designs
Illustration 1: "Healthcare for You"
Illustration 2: "Real Doctors, Real Care"
Illustration 3: "Advocating for All Rights"